ÜNLÜ Asset Management - Variable Funds
First Variable Fund
Fund Share Price
July 27, 2024
Year Since
% 31,3107
July 27, 2024
% -0,0008
July 27, 2024
Total Value
514.1 Million TL
July 27, 2024
Summary Information

Target Investor Profile

Ünlü First Variable Fund is targeting investors with a balanced risk profile and providing them the opportunity to invest in a multi-asset environment.

Investment Objective and Principle Strategies

SUA is a multi asset fund, suitable for investors who can bear a certain amount of risk in order to maximize middle-to-long horizon returns.

Fund management adopts an absolute return strategy in order to generate risk-adjusted returns that beat the deposit rate.

The fund primarily concentrates on Turkish assets and aims to generate stable return under all market conditions, with a mid to long term investment perspective.

The Fund is subject to limitations for risk management purposes but offers the Fund Manager flexibility in term of asset allocation.


BIST-KYD 1 M Deposit

Management Fee

2,00 per annum (charged daily to the Fund’s NAV). There are no other fees of any kind such as entry or exit charges.

Subscription and Redemption Frequency


Subscription and Redemption Notice Period:

Subscription: Requests made before 13:30 will be executed on the same day closing price and subscribed to the fund a day after.

Requests made after 13:30 will be executed from on the same day closing price and subscribed to the fund 2 days after.

Exit: Requests made before 13:30 will be executed on the same day closing price and subscribed to the fund 2 days after.

Lock-up Period



T. İş Bankası A.Ş.


Capital Markets Board


Mutual fund gains are subject to withholding tax 10% (at redemtion)

Target Investor Profile

July 27, 2024
Risk Value
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Fund Share Price
Total Value
Year of Foundation
Management Fee (Annual)
514.1 Million TL
December 03, 2004
% 2.00
Değişken Fon

Fund Asset Distribution

  • Ters Repo %54,82
  • Finansman Bonosu %13,16
  • Hisse %10,02
  • Devlet Tahvili %7,03
  • Özel Sektör Borçlanma Araçları %4,49
  • Varlığa Dayalı Menkul Kıymetler %3,95
  • Özel Kira %3,40
  • Kamu İç Borç. (Döviz) %2,02
  • Diğer %0,99
  • Takasbank Para Piyasası %0,12